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Sex -related false are the most damaging . It is like an infectious disease is transmitted from one person to another person . It is necessary to treat it before it gets spread like a deadly disease . So , presenting our " Sex false break the chain !

People often talk about oral sex to feel ashamed . This is presumably because the material related to the misconceptions prevalent . Is it safe ? Pregnancy can stop this ? All this and much more ...

• Misconception 1 : Oral sex is safe .

People usually think of oral sex is not the risk of infections . But that's not true . Unsecured oral sex , Syphilis , Goneria , HPV and even infections such as HIV can become . Use of condoms can help keep you away from danger .

• Misconception 2 : Oral sex can accommodate pregnancy .

Pregnant woman to be man's sperm must come into contact with a woman's uterus . Oral meant to say is if you are not pregnant , even if you drink semen .

• Misconception 3 : semen is unsafe to drink .

There is no harm in swallowing semen that person no infection . Sugar and protein in semen that has often had a detrimental effect . But all is not necessary for you to ingest semen . If you do not like it , you can tell your partner .

• Misconception 4 : Oral sex Orgasm can not .

Vaginal or anal sex are not the only source of Orgasm . Orgasm is also possible oral sex . Indeed , many surveys and research show that vaginal intercourse than women oral sex Orgasm is easy .

• Misconception 5 : Oral sex is always Unhygienic ( messy ) occurs.

Cleaning and care of you and your partner are properly then there is no reason to be messy oral sex .

Some cultures are more open than others about oral sex . So maybe civilization based on your views about this , but through this series we just scientific facts are presented .


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