Sometimes - sometimes 'no ' to say is good . But saying 'no' is not easy . What do you have to say ?
How is forbidden

First make sure that you desiring something or not. If you are unsure tell you that you need some more time to think . Then tell your partner what are the reasons for your refusal . Doing so will clear up the matter around you - do not have to beat around the bush .
Please explain the reason for his refusal . But remember, you do not need to apologize .
It's OK to compromise or negotiation - for example , ' not today , tomorrow '
You will depress them or hurt his feelings by refusing to arrive , do not have to worry about that . Your help but say yes to anyone and can be painful .
If you said yes before you ever change your mind . Please say that .
To refuse tips

Unless explicitly say what he want, what you can not .
Your gesture note ( or not Smile Do not look down )
If necessary to understand the reasons for refusing briefly .
Focus on the person 's reaction .
If necessary so long decline , until that person may not understand .
Having the courage to refuse
Many Leag unwillingly do not dare to refuse . Many things may come to your mind that you will not like me when I refused . The solution is that those things positive change in thinking : ' If I refuse to give my boyfriend or girlfriend will not mind too . If an honor to say no to someone like me will also .
Kissing but no sex
If you do not want a thing is nothing wrong with it . A boyfriend or girlfriend that you may not want sex . Or maybe you want to kiss and one - touch each other - want to kiss but do not want sex . Let us clarify this . Your partner should respect your wishes . Or blackmail to coerce anyone to do any work, you have no right .
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